SelectUSA 2016 Foreign Direct Investment Summit was attended by over 2400 delegates from over 70 countries. The Israeli delegation led by US Ambassador Daniel Shapiro, was one of the largest delegations to attend. The delegation of 30 executives from 20 Israeli companies included the CEOs of large industrial conglomerates, such as Chamber members Teva Pharmaceuticals, ICL Group, Caesarstone Ltd., Mobileye and Netafim to startup companies such as Woosh and Phinergy. All companies either already invested in the US and are looking to expand operations there, or are looking to establish presence and operations in the US. The Chamber assisted the US Embassy in the delegation set-up and was represented by CEO, Oded Rose.
The SelectUSA Summit provides the companies with a direct single point of contact to all state, local Economic Development Officers (EDOs) and counties. This assists them in making an informative decision based on their business requirements and outlines their specific advantages and incentive packages.
The US Administration puts a lot of effort into the SelectUSA Summit. President Obama addressed the delegates and six cabinet ministers led panel discussions attended by the CEOs of some of the world's leading companies. Teva's CEO, Mr. Erez Vigodman participated in a panel hosted by SelectUSA Chief, Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with our Chamber and others invite you to participate in the Chamber’s BusinessH2O Summit: Water Management Best Practices from the U.S. and Israel on December 12, at the Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas.
BusinessH2O will bring together business leaders, government officials, and water experts together to discuss best practices in corporate water stewardship and public policies to address the growing demand for water.
Space is limited. Register now.
We are pleased to announce that at the initiative of Mr. Tsvi Ken-Tor Chair of the Chamber Visa Committee and Dr. Gadi Ravid, dean of the business school at Netanya Academic College, and under his stewardship, will open an academic course on RELOCATION. This will be the first such course in Israel and it will be both theoretical and practical and deal with all RELOCATION aspects.
Former Chamber Chairperson (1991-1996)
Chamber Chairperson Ofra Strauss, Board members, Chamber members and Chamber team send their deep condolences to the Wertheim family on the passing of Moshe (Muzi) Wertheim.
Trade Secrets Law: A US & Israeli Perspectives
Thursday, July 21, 2016, 09:00 - 11:00
Herzog Fox & Neeman , Asia House, 4 Weizmann Street, Tel Aviv
BDS – Save the Date - September 13
The Chamber, together with Platinum Chamber member KPMG (Somech) and the Strauss Group, initiated an Israeli-American Food-Tech Ecosystem. The Ecosystem will build on the success of local Israeli initiatives such as The Kitchen and Alpha and will expand them into a larger across the ocean group that will include large food companies, startup food-tech technology companies and investor groups. If Food Tech is on your radar, save the date for our upcoming Round-table on July 26.
Chamber members are invited to meet with a multidisciplinary delegation from Brooklyn, New York, organized in collaboration with the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce.The delegation will include companies in the area of
food and beverages, jewelry, industrial equipment, military equipment, and Internet services.
The visit is being organized by the New York trade representative in Israel, the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce and our Chamber. During the visit, the delegation will meet with Israeli companies looking to create dual projects and partnerships. On February 15th the delegation will take part in a B2B event with Israeli companies,
you are welcome to sign up and meet with them.
For the invitation and further information on the companies
Ms. Maria Contreras-Sweet, President Obama's cabinet member and SBA Administrator (equivalent to Secretary) met with Chamber CEO, Oded Rose. At the meeting Ms. described the purpose of the Small Business Administration (SBA) (relatively unknown in Israel). There are numerous federal incentives and programs that support small and medium businesses in the US. These include, angel financing, micro-loans, and other loan programs. A certain percentage of most government contracts are allotted to small businesses. This could be an advantage for an Israeli firm looking to bid on US government contracts, if they partner with or ensure that part of their supply chain is coming from small businesses. For more information contact the chamber.
Dear Members,
Stay tuned for further information on the many conferences, seminars, B2B and networking events covering a wide range of topics that we will be scheduling throughout the year.
Chamber Team
The 2016 Chamber Award Event will take place on Monday, 7 November, in the presence of President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin.
This year's program promises to be an exciting event with a venue change and other innovations. We will award companies that have made an exceptional contribution to the Israel-US business and commercial relationship. There will be a special focus on the Film, Television and Internet industries.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 09:00 - 11:00
Herzog Fox & Ne'eman, Asia House, 4 Weizmann Street, Tel Aviv
See enclosed invitation
For more information and to join the Forum please contact the chamber.