Tel Aviv, September 19th; Amcham israel held a Cybersecurity Roundtable that included Amcham key members senior executives, and senior govermnet officials from the Israel Cyber, Innovation, and Digital authorities, and from the U.S. Embassy Commercial and Economic sections. Herzog Law and HP co-sponsored the event. 

After opening and keynote remarks by the hosts and senior governments officials, the discussion opened with the topic of "Cybersecurity starts at the hardware level".  The dicussion covered challenges of modern cybersecurity, the current regulatory landscape and tools both in the U.S. and in Israel, and potential pathways for further imporvements, and the need for further dialouge between the cybersecurity stakeholders.  Amcham members included Herzog, HP, Intel, Cisco, Deloitte, KPMG and others. 

At his closing remarks, Oded Rose, Amcham CEO, proposed that this Roundtable would become a continous platform to connect the cybersecurity industry with the relevant government agencies from both the U.S. and from israel, and to allow, continuous dialouge on a variety of topics, and industry segments.