Jerusalem, Feb. 20, 2022. Oded Rose Amcham Israel CEO appeared today in front of the Knesset Healthcare Committee in a discussion of the crisis in drug registrations times. In his address Mr. Rose commended the valiant work by the Ministry of Health (MoH) during the COVID pandemic in bringing vaccines and covid-medicine to the Israeli public faster than any other country in the world. At the same time, he stressed, Israel cannot remain behind in other new drugs and therapies registrations. Today, new drug registrations in Israel take between 400-600 days AFTER they have been registered by FDA (US) or EMA (EU), and the situation is getting worse. Mr. Rose stressed that the majority of the OECD countries today rely on 4-5 Primary Heathcare Authorities for new drug registrations and that Israel should follow suit. Dr. Osnat Luxenburg of the MoH informed the committee that the MoH is now examining new models of drug registrations to align Israel with the rest of the world.
Amcham CEO Appears in front of Knesset Healthcare Committee