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The Israel-America Chamber of Commerce

We are the Bridge Between Israeli and U.S. companies

Promoting and Strengthening the Business and Trade between Israel and the US

AmCham Israel and Our Members Stand with the IDF to Defend Israel and its Citizens

AmCham Israel and Our Members Stand with the IDF to Defend Israel and its Citizens

The Chamber is Proud of
the Social Commitment of its Members

At these extraordinary times all of us are focused on keeping our businesses and the economy going forward.

At these extraordinary times all of us are focused on keeping our businesses and the economy going forward. The Chamber is there for our members and partners to support any such effort where we can. At the same time we must all do more than usual to help others in need, support our communities, our nations and each other locally and globally. Dire times present us with opportunities for collaboration, kindness and ingenuity.

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The Chamber, in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, organized and hosted a delegation of presidents and CEOs of state and metro chambers of commerce from 17 U.S. states on a visit to familiarize them with the potential of Israel as a business partner for their communities.

For all but two delegates this was their first visit to Israel. Meetings and visits included meeting with the Minister of Economy, a tour of Teva production facility in Har Hotzvim, a visit to Yad Vashem and the Israel Museum, as well as meetings with high-tech incubators, members of Kneset and the Weizmann Institute.
The delegates returned with very strong impressions and have already began follow-up activities in their various communities.
The Chamber is already planning the next two delegations in late 2017 and early 2018.  

Membership with True Added Value

The Members of Israel-America Chamber of Commerce are its driving force. Chamber members are encouraged to join the following exclusive membership programs: Diamond, Platinum and Gold. These programs are of immense commercial value and are tailor-made to the individual needs, wants and areas of interests of each company. Members are partners to our extensive ongoing activities that bring together companies, experts, trade delegations, government officials and more.

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